CHAS Criteria
Household monthly income per person (for households with income)
$1,200 and below
Annual Value of home (for households with no income)
$13,000 and below
CHAS Subsidies
Selected Dental Services
Up to $11 to $256.50 subsidy per procedure (dependent on procedure)
Click here to view the full Dental Subsidy Table.
1 Capped at 24 visits for common illnesses per patient per calendar year, across all CHAS clinics.
2 “Simple” refers to visits for a single chronic condition. “Complex” refers to visits for multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with complication(s).
3 This refers to the cost of screening test(s) and first post-screening consultation. Screening tests under the programme include cardiovascular disease, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer screening. You may check your eligibility status here.
4 For more information on vaccinations, please visit www.healthhub.sg/vaccinate. Subsidies are applicable to certain vaccine brands.